27/10/2020 Messages and celebrations
Hello everyone we are really happy to announce that many of you have earned the Golden 2020 club badge/magnet!
Golden award winners!
If you’re listed below you earned the first ever club golden badge/magnet award! Let the captain know which you’d like. Congratulations that’s at least 10 events between birthdays!
Adam B, Paul B, Jamie B, Scientist, Cara, Goblin, Emma K, Jed E, Gareth W
Birthday Presents!
Also, in place of club awards we’re treating our awesome members to birthday mugs! That’s right! Everyone who’s continued to take part during this strange year deserves a present. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (the captain will message you soon)
For those that didn’t manage the events we hope to see you again soon in person and really hope you’re ok.
((delivery will be ‘after covid’ at our big welcome back and birthday party ))
Usually at this time of year we hold an AGM to discuss ideas, feedback, roles and such but while that has been delayed, we’d love to hear your thoughts anyway. Message the captain by text, fb, email, call, whatsapp etc. In summary StarBase Leicester will return after lockdowns, funding remains the same as when we paused events and bridge crew will be announced once we’ve managed to chat about roles.
Special mention!
We’ve been entertaining record attempts by video entry and this one requires a special mention, we’ve even created a new record in its honour for an EPIC effort and awesome building skills! Nice work David Croft. The D20 spin mechanically aided record is yours to set when you find a standard d20. ((see the amazing creation here))
And if you’re tempted to beat a club record take a look here, like our awesome long distance member Kerrin did! Lock down record breaker!
Keep geeking and adventuring out there everyone and we’ll see you soon!