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  • Third Friday: New Year show and tell and find new players
  • Fri, January 17 , 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Secular Hall, Leicester
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    All things books, manga, writing (online event)

    Fri, May 15, 2020
    7:00 pm - 9:45 pm

    The geek community continues for you fantastic humans! 😀

    Like reading? Writing? drawing comics?

     This is the night for you!  Stories are magical things… (not just potter and co) and sometimes all they need is a small spark and before you know it you’ve created an entire word! Usually we share loads of different writing activities and (for those brave enough) read out what we’re working on.
    This time there will be
    • Writing prompts throughout the month with a special one just for the competition
    • A writing competition: we’ll provide the prompt and you provide the 500 word story, poem or comic. Bridge crew and captain will decide the winners by the end of May…
    • Book polls and votes on the facebook event and twitter that will of course be chatted about on discord
    • A discord room/call to chat about all things written and of course reading works in progress if you want (no one will be forced to) https://discord.gg/3aUqjHE If you use a different platform for group calls let us know
    Join us online… and message the captain between 7-10 to earn another event towards your Golden Club Badge
    Important bits:
    • Over 16’s only
    • Free
    • Any questions? email us at info@starbaseleicester.co.uk